Animation | Modeling
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This is an introductory section that you can easily edit or delete. You can use this space to engage visitors with a bold and brief statement about your project and what it entails.
A group project extending the previous individual piece. It was very challenging because the all had very different elements to put together into something that makes sense with a narration and we created something surrealistic.
The heart I created was used as the control centre of the army. With the rest of what my teammates made(space vehicle, robots, bridges and trains). We changed the idea of the background/surrounding environment several times and decided to go crazy by putting the scene underwater. So I then made all the elements that laid the ground like seaweeds and corals while my teammates worked on the lighting.
I was really proud that we turned something everyone felt helpless about at the beginning into a well-composited piece of art.
I'm an animator and painter based in Sydney
This is my
Media and Illustration Portfolio